My Mom the Creator and Spelunker

Jordan Dewit
3 min readMay 8, 2016


My inspirational mother, Patricia Dewit.

My mom is a creator of life and spelunker. Creation is bringing order to chaos. When you create a painting the artist brings order to the colours in such a way that they make a painting. A gardener sees a backyard filled with weeds and brings order to it with tools and seeds, turning it into a beautiful garden. A song writer brings order to sound and notes, a chef to flavors and textures, and writer to words and ideas. To create, you order things to make something better, new, or different. Creation is the act of bringing order to chaos and my mom is a creator of life.

In life, your pallet for creating is your experiences. Your ingredients are the pains and joys you’ve felt, the ups and downs, victories and failures. It’s all of the good and all of the bad and since there’s so much in any given life it can be incredibly hard and challenging to start to even prepare to organize it all. Just the thought of it can be overwhelming.

Yes, she paints and writes brilliantly but what has inspired me is how she has created life. She has created life for me and my siblings in a literal sense, but she also creates life in her relationships with people, in the work she does, and with almost everything she touches. Her journey to get to this place in life is inspiring.

Like any creator, one of the first step is preparation and my mom starting preparing with help from great friends who have since become family. With support, she stopped avoiding her life experiences and instead she went exploring down into the core of her darkness and pain like a journey into the center of the earth. She stopped creating a fantasy around who she was and took the miners hat called introspection and went on a quest to get to core of things. And after facing her fears and the strange creatures she encountered on her way to her core, she found a fire fueled by love. With the fire she developed a new appreciation of the world around her. She seemed happier and more content. She seemed more able and to have more energy in life. She was more resilient and wiser. Instead of creating fantasies she started to create meaning. I noticed and other people noticed her by her light too.

Then she used her life experiences to help others through their difficult journeys. The pain she had became her strength. And she now has taken that bright fire to help bring light to other people and to me. My mom is a spelunker who helps people explore the dark caves in their life.

My mother has inspired me. I love to share my ideas and thoughts about life and spirituality with her. I tell her about my relationships, what I’m reading, or what recipes I’m trying to perfect. By the way she has lived her life, she has shown me that it’s never too late to start being a creator in a life sense too.

I am now exploring the depths of life, going to the center of my earth to find my fire because of the example and inspiration that my mom is. I am so proud of what she has accomplished and who she continues to become every day. Now she is my support as I spelunk in my life getting to the core of my being in search of my fire and I hope to emerge a creator of life too.

Mom, happy mother’s day! I love you and I am proud to be your son.

You can see my mom’s artwork here:

